Sunday 17 November 2013

Baby's First Hours: The key to successful breastfeeding

Hi, I'm Karenna from Hope and Honey - offering HypnoBirthingChildbirth ClassesBirth Pool Hire and much more in Perth, Western Australia. Here's my latest blog about starting breastfeeding:

Most people are encouraged to have skin-to-skin contact (or Kangaroo Care) with their baby in those precious few moments after birth. But did you know that by creating that special time and allowing your baby to find the breast naturally - this can be the key to successful breastfeeding?

More and more hospitals and caregivers are promoting the benefits of placing the baby straight onto mum's chest after birth. This allows your baby to look at you, listen to you, smell you, taste your colostrum and begin to love your gentle touch. By not rubbing off too much of the amniotic fluid and the white vernix from your baby's skin and transferring this to your chest - your baby will feel even more at home here. Skin-to-skin can help the baby regulate it's heartbeat and temperature and your body responds to this too. If bub is too hot, you will automatically cool your temperature by one degree and similarly if your baby is too cold you can raise your temperature by up to two degrees to heat up your baby. Make sure you cover your baby's back with a cloth or blanket to keep in warmth.

At this point, if you can, it's best to ask if you can delay weighing and measuring as this time is so much more important. If mum needs to go to the bathroom or move for a procedure - pass baby to Dad for some skin-to-skin time with him. This is incredibly bonding for both baby and dad, however for the first 24 hours it's best if baby can be kept on mum's chest as much as possible.

Also in the first 24 hours (as hard as this is!) shower carefully and try not to wash your hair and chest. Your baby will really benefit from being able to continue smelling amniotic fluid on your chest and will know this is home.  Baby also doesn't need a bath in the first 24 hours either. Don't wear deodorant and definitely not perfume. This also goes for visitors too - ideally you shouldn't pass your baby around too much in the first 24 hours as it's vital they get to know Mum, first and foremost, and Dad when Mum is unavailable. Smell is really important in the first hours so ask visitors not to wear perfume and to cuddle mum and baby together rather than separating you.

These little tips can really help establish breastfeeding. Within minutes of being born, babies will feed but it's really great if you let them find your nipple and latch for the first time all by themselves. Actively placing them to the breast disturbs the natural process and can mean your baby misses out learning a vital step e.g. putting their tongue forward. You're helping them learn the skill for themselves so they'll then be able to repeat it.

It's amazing to watch but your baby will naturally exhibit this behaviour if you let it happen:

  • Firstly he will start moving his head from side to side, possibly with his mouth open or rooting. Bobbing of the head is turning on all the neurons in your baby's brain
  • He will then choose to move to one breast and will actively crawl up and over. Don't help - just watch in amazement as he know exactly what he's doing. His little feet will be rubbing your uterus which not only stimulates your milk but also helps your uterus contract to expel your placenta
  • He will probably start clenching his fists and bringing his hand to his mouth
  • Eventually his chin will touch your breast and when his mouth is wide open he will start licking the area around your nipple - it's important he learns to bring his tongue forward
  • Finally he will latch (this is called self-latch). This is one of the best ways to establish breastfeeding as your baby is learning the skill for himself. Have patience - some babies will do this quickly whereas others may take longer. Ask for patience from those around you - delay any unnecessary procedures as this will assist your third stage (birth of the placenta), develop early bonding and establish good breastfeeding from the beginning. 
Watch this amazing film of a baby doing the 'breast crawl
Speak to your partner and caregiver about giving you this precious time just after birth. The first 24 hours are like a key unlocking the neurons in your baby's brain and in developing your bond and ongoing relationship. 

Just relax and enjoy xxx

For more information and advice, why not sign up to Hope and Honey's childbirth education classes or HypnoBirthing classes

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